No School Day= Forest School Day!
Forest School is a great way to spend the day when school is not in session.
Our first workshop for the year is our Autumn Workshop on Monday, October 14. Join us for a day full of autumn nature fun, like using natural materials to make wind chimes or a mobile, playing Forest School games, making food sites for soon-to-be hibernating animals, cooking over an open fire, and enjoying plenty of extended self-directed time in the wooded area. A day of Forest School is a day of choice; your child can choose to participate in activities or follow their own interests.
This workshop takes place at Lower Highland Park in Endicott; in case of severe weather (temperature below 30, wind speed above 25 mph, heavy freezing rain, etc.) this workshop will be relocated to our indoor classroom at 183 Riverside Drive in Binghamton (our preschool location).
Register here: